French Rooster Silhouette

Canvas only


Includes only the canvas, no thread

Complete kit


Includes 25 skeins DMC Pearl Cotton #3, plus a DMC Tapestry Needle #20

  • Image size: 9.5 x 10 inches
  • Canvas size: 12.7 x 13 inches
  • Margin: 1.5 x 1.5 x 1.5 x 1.8 inches
  • Country of Origin: U.S.A.
  • Mesh: 13 count
  • Material: Zweigart Mono Deluxe, 100% Cotton
  • Customization: Click here to customize

French Rooster Silhouette

An adult male chicken is called a “rooster” and an adult female is called a “hen.” Gallic Roosters are larger, usually more brightly colored, and have larger combs on top of their heads compared to hens. Hens lay up to 240 eggs in a year. For many people, the rooster symbolizes bravery, boldness and virility as he defends the flock. The connection with the rooster as symbol of France in particular may quite simply stem from the similarity of the Latin words for cock (gallus) and inhabitant of Gaul (gallicus), now known as France.

About Our Needlepoint Canvas

Pepita Needlepoint canvases are printed on high-quality Zweigart Mono Deluxe White canvas. The 100% cotton weave is easy on the eyes and gentle on the hands for your stitching enjoyment. Bright, vivid and fade-resistant ink allow you to easily match thread to the image on the canvas. Our proprietary printing process was developed by specialists in the fabric printing industry and we guarantee you will not find a better quality painted canvas. Pepita's line of needlepoint canvases and needlepoint kits are simply the best available on the market today. Learn more about Pepita Needlepoint.